About Misinformation and Anti-Masonry

A. D. Hanna, Grand Master of Masons in Texas

Dear Brethren:

I have recently had several Masons contact me to express their concern over comments and publications of certain individuals who choose to attack the Fraternity as being anti-Christian.

There is also some indication that a few people mistakenly think Masonry is a religlon.

It is extremely unfortunate that these ill-informed individuals are so strident in their anti-Masonry but loudness and harsh criticism serve their selfish purposes. It is regrettable that the public is sometimes misled by these critics.

Although I am strongly convinced that the world s largest and greatest Fraternity doesn't really need defending I feel that a short statement might help a Brother or member of his family to respond to anti-Masonic misinformation and misunderstanding with confidence and factual information.

It has also been suggested that the Grand Lodge of Texas should officially adopt a statement refuting the assertions that Masonry is a religion. I feel that such a statement is unnecessary in view of the simple and clear statement of purpose found in the Constitution and Ancient Charges of a Freemason.

One need only refer to Section 2 of Article 1 Division 11 of that document to read: ... to advance the moral and social interest of its membership; to foster good citizenship honest industry and upright living; to cultivate the exercise of charity in its best and broadest sense; to assist the widows and orphans of its deceased members; to stimulate friendship harmony and brotherly love; and generally to promote in its own way the happiness of mankind — it is a Fraternity of good men linked together by honerable and indissoluble bonds to accomplish these noble purposes eschewing all Interest in factional politics and sectarian religion and free from the dictation of both. (Emphasis mine)

In short Masonry is not and does not pretend to be or to take the place of religion.

I urge our members to read our Constitution Charges and Laws to reassure themselves and be able to better inform others about the true nature of Freemasonry.

No action by the Grand Lodge of Texas or any lodge or individual Mason can alter our ancient purposes and no action is needed to clarify them.

I urge every Mason and friend or family of Masons to talk about our Fratemity and what it stands for and what it does for the rest of the world.

Freemasonry is not anti anything. Freemasonry is good so let's talk about it.

And I would say this to our detractors: Perhaps you should devote yourself to praying for your own salvation and be less concerned with trying to destroy or besmirch those who would improve themselves for the good of mankind.

The Philalethes, October, 1990